Favors are offered to express your thanks to all of the friends who show up at your wedding celebration. Your friends may be traveling from very far distances to come celebrate with y’all and that in itself can be a large expense.Traditionally favors are a way to give your guests a token from your hearts as a thank you for being a part of their celebration.
Absolutely anything you do yourself can be a personalized affordable alternative to the same old same old.
How about home baked goodies for the ride back to the hotel or home? Buying items in bulk and bagging them yourselves is a wonderful affordable alternative. Another fun tip is to collect wine bottles and save the corks, fill with Olive Oil and add local seasonal herbs. Personalize by printing your own labels on your computer with your names and date, location, etc
The main goal for giving favors is a personal thank you. No need to be pricey or ‘Over the top” people will hold a special place in their hearts knowing that they weren’t store bought.
My thoughts are that the primary reason why your guest join you on your wedding day is because they love and support you. So in closing, a favor is not a necessary .A handwritten thank you note from you and your husband is an invaluable gift that will forever be embedded in their hearts.
Happy Beginnings, Mike