The bride’s emergency kit is a bag of wedding day necessities as well as emergency items you hope you don’t need, but would be in a bind if you didn’t have. In general, it is left in the bride’s dressing/changing room for easy access at the wedding site and is assigned to a mother, bridesmaid, or guest to bring to the reception. The items can be kept in a duffle bag, large purse, plastic bag, etc. Here is a list of suggested items to include in the bride’s emergency kit. Hopefully you will not need to use most of these things on your wedding day!
Antacid Pepto-Bismol antihistamine/cold medicine aspirin/ibuprofen band aids hard candy (better than medicinal scent of cough-drops) prescription medications tampons/pads
Baby powder (also works great for spills on a white dress — just dab with water and then baby powder) barrettes/bobby pins brush/comb/pick deodorant hair dryer (for hair or drying dresses after stain removal) hairspray/gel (good for runs in hose too) hand lotion hand towel (put them around the neck when doing makeup to avoid stains) handy-wipes Kleenex lint remover (someone said it even takes makeup off of tuxes!) makeup makeup remover for face and for clothes mirror (hand-held and floor length if there isn’t one at the ceremony site) nail polish & remover nail file perfume toothbrush and toothpaste water spray bottle
Buttons (extras) clear nail polish for runs in hose crinoline/petticoat/hoop skirt dress! earring backings (extras) gloves iron jewelry pantyhose (extras) shoes ‘throwaway’ garter undergarments (undies, bra, garter, garter belt, hose/thigh-hi’s) veil/hat
Champagne and glasses cooler with juice/soda (include club soda for stain removal) directions to reception (extra copies) duct/masking/sewing tape (for falling hems, broken bouquet handles, wobbly unity candles) straws (so you don’t mess up your lipstick when you drink) list of outstanding to-do’s to turn over to someone else (ex. call reception site to tell them that you are on your way, etc.) oranges, crackers phone numbers of all service folks sewing kit (with scissors), thread for all dresses of wedding party small flashlight if evening wedding spare change for phone spare hat pins (in case florist forgets them for corsages) super glue
Happy Beginnings